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Goodman, B. (2021). „Daniel Kahneman Says Noise Is Wrecking Your Judgment. Here’s Why, and What to Do About It“. Barron’s Magazine.
Kahneman, D., Sibony, O. and Sunstein, C.R. (2021). „Bias Is a Big Problem. But So Is ‚Noise‘.“ The New York Times.
Kahneman, D., Sibony, O. and Sunstein, C.R. (2021). Noise: A flaw in human judgment. New York: Little, Brown Spark.
Kahneman, D., Rosenfield, A.M., Gandhi, L. and Blaser, T. (2016). „Noise: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making.“ Harvard Business Review.
Kotsonis, S., Change, J. and Chakrabarti, M. (2021). „How To Cut Through The “Noise” That Hinders Human Judgment.“ WBUR.
Matias, J.N. (2017). „Bias and Noise: Daniel Kahneman on Errors in Decision-Making.“ J. Nathan Matias.
McCulloch, A. (2021). „Daniel Kahneman: how “noise” damages decisions“. Personnel Today.
Nesterak, E. (2021). „A Conversation with Daniel Kahneman About ‚Noise‘.“ Behavioral Scientist.
Newell, B. (2021). „Daniel Kahneman on ‚noise‘ – the flaw in human judgement harder to detect than cognitive bias.“ The Conversation.
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